Canadian Taxpayers Federation reacts to federal Fall Economic Statement

Author: 2017/10/24

OTTAWA, ON: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) Federal Director Aaron Wudrick released the following statement in response to today’s federal Fall Economic Statement:

“Once again, the Trudeau government has shown its commitment to fiscal prudence to be all talk and no walk. After breaking their commitment to run three ‘modest’ deficits before returning to a balanced budget, they have repeatedly refused to lay out a plan to get back to balance, even though a strong economy has provided them with higher than expected revenues. If they can’t balance the budget when the economy is doing well, when can they?

If the government feels that more spending is required in priority areas, it should do what Canadians families must do: reduce spending elsewhere and live within their means. For example, their boost to the Canada Child Benefit next year will cost an estimated $400 million, and yet this past spring, corporate welfare handouts to Bombardier and Ford alone totalled $472 million.

Canadians should be very concerned that this government continues to kick the can down the road and saddle their children and grandchildren with billions in new debt.”

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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